Shabbat Readings and Remarks from Carmel and Chavurah Campers – 12th and 13th
Carmel’s Friday Night Service
Lia and Chloe
Camp friends are great but do you remember how you became friends?
Chloe – At the beginning of camp I was scared I wasn’t going to make any friends.
Lia – So was I
Chloe – But on the trip to Beltzville, everything changed
Lia – When we went to Beltzville, I was partnered with somebody I didn’t really know, but when she invited me into the lake…
We became best friends!
Chloe – Throughout all of this, we became closer and closer
Lia – And we’ve made even more friends along the way
Chloe – When times are hard, you can always rely on your friends to have your back.
Lia – So don’t forget to think about others
Shabbat Shalom!
Avi, Elliott, Zachary
Avi: During some Nikayons not everyone is at the bunk we do their jobs to help them so they can get ready.
Elliott: The Barchu is a call to prayer to get ready for shabbat. Just like how we clean the bunk during Nikayon.
Zachary: Another example of thinking about others is when our friend was playing alone at Chofesh so we join them.
Avi: We need to stop
Elliott: and think about others
Zachary The Barchu reminds us to pay attention
Noa and Fable
Noa: When we think about others and the Middah of Achriyot, we think about how to help them when things are hard.
Fable: When they feel homesick we help them by showing them that their friends are here to help and guide them.
Noa: When we feel homesick we tell each other about the fun things we get to do in the future.
Fables: Helping each other makes them feel better and makes you better.
Goldie, Rozzie, Layla and Poppy
Poppy: This week’s Middah is Achrayut
Rozzie: Which means thinking about others
Goldie: And putting others before yourself
Layla: How do we show Achrayut?
Poppy: I made my friend feel better when she was home sick and sad.
Rozzie: Once my friend did not know how she was feeling so I helped her work through her feelings
Goldie: Once my friend was worried about the play and she thought she was going to mess up during the show. I helped her realize their was nothing to worry about.
Layla: Once my friend was scared on low-dium and I helped her realize she can do it and would be safe.
Sonia and Adele
Adele – This week’s middah is Achrayut, thinking about others.
Sonia – It can be hard to not think about yourself all the time.
Adele – But you should try your hardest to think about others.
Sonia – A time that I thought about someone else was when my friend was changing, so I took her towel outside for her so that it could dry.
Adele – And a time that I thought about someone else was when I helped my friend with Nikayon and swept for her while she cleaned her area.
Together – Now you try to think about a time that you thought about someone else. Shabbat Shalom, Camp Harlam.
Asher, Ari, Jagger, and Jacob
Ari – Hey Jagger, what’s today middah?
Jagger – It’s Achrayut, thinking about others.
Jacob – Hey Asher, what is a time that you have thought about others?
Asher – When I helped you when you felt homesick, how about you, Ari?
Ari – When my friend Jacob felt bored during Nikayon, I cheered him up… what about you, Jagger?
Jagger – When my counselors were on Shmira, I told my bunkmates to quiet down because our counselors needed some respect. What about you, Jacob?
Jacob – When I picked up trash around camp, I helped the camp community and the earth.
Asher – And that brings us to the Hashkeivenu…
Jagger – When we practice Achrayut, we aren’t only thinking about others, but we’re helping protect others – which is exactly what the Hashkeivenu is about.
Jack, Leon and Eliza
One way I showed Achrayut/caring about others is during Nikayon. My area is often really messy and
that day it wasn’t, so instead I went to help others.
One way I showed Achrayut was by spending time with a friend who was home sick during Chofesh.
One way I showed Achrayut I invited my friend over when he was homesick to do something fun together.
I used Achrayut on the Teva hike when I helped a friend build a fairy house.
Ben (C4 Counselor)
As a Carmel counselor it has been an honor and privilege to see my campers and everyone in Carmel grow this session. From playing sports to passing and stacking at the end of the meals. Carmel consistently shows Achrayot. As the new kids on the block this summer, Carmel has blown me away as every day is a new experience where they have the opportunity to use this middah of Achrayuot.
Chavurah’s Saturday Morning Service
Abby, Sophia K, Sofia L, Evie
Sophia — As our time as campers closes out, we have been reminiscing on our years here to help us find joy in this sad ending. Here’s our advice to you to help you make the most of your time here as a camper before you too are in our shoes.
Abby — To Carmel: from the oldest unit to the youngest, the only advice I can give is to look around, take it all in. There’s a long road ahead of you and the best thing you can do is try your best not to miss anything. Before you know it, you’re going to be the ones up here rounding out your last summer as campers.
Sofia — To Sharon: you’re still so young and have so much time left, don’t worry about growing up too fast. Camp is a place to learn and grow, so give yourself the room to do so.
Evie — To Kineret: as you’re getting older, there are so many more opportunities for you at camp. It’s your last year of instructional swim, your first time at Rak Dan, and you’re in the middle of junior camp. Look up to your K’far buddies, because soon enough you’ll be just like them.
Sophia — To Arava: we never really got to experience that year, but we hope you had fun. Don’t be afraid to make new friends and try new things. Although it seems like there’s lots of time left, your time as a camper is now more than halfway done. Don’t waste a second.
Abby — To Galil: as you end your final year in junior camp and prepare to move into one village, remember to take a step back. Don’t get lost in the drama, because there will be lots of it. Try your best to focus on the good times, there will only be more from here.
Evie — To K’far: in a year, you’re gonna be standing where we are right now. It seems far away, but in no time you’ll be the ones sobbing your eyes out and saying your goodbyes. During your final time as campers, don’t let the summer pass you by. Your unit will become your family, so continue to reach out and deepen your connections.
Sofia — To Rah: live in the present, savor every moment, hold on to every first and last. Just because this is the end for us as campers doesn’t mean that the friendships and bonds we made have to end too. We still have one more day together, so make it count. Don’t cry because it’s over, say “cheese” because it happened. We’ll see you in Israel.
Abby — Even though all these tears may seem silly to the rest of camp, when you’re standing up here for the final time, you’ll realize the true reason why this is so hard. We’re not only leaning our friends…
ALL: …but our family.
Mariah, Amanda, and Abby S.
Mariah – By now, you’ve all heard about our middah this week, Binah, seeking meaning.
Amanda – It’s important to see meaning in not only our lasts, but also our firsts
Abby – As Rah campers, we’ve experienced a lot of lasts, but also a lot of firsts!
Mariah – Such as… crossing the road every day… multiple times…
Amanda – Buddy day…
Abby – An overnight trip…
Mariah – Having our own pool…
Amanda – The Rah drank…
Abby – And of course, it’s our first time leading the last Shabbat service of the summer.
Mariah – The Mi Shebeirach is a prayer for healing, whether of body or spirit.
Amanda – All of these firsts have helped to heal our hearts, our spirits, from the time we spent apart last year…
Abby – … and these first will stay with us throughout the upcoming year until we reunite again.
Oh man, I’m so excited to go into Chavurah and be with all my friends for 3 weeks!
But I’m so nervous about being away from home for so long.
I can’t wait for Color Wars…
This is going to be our last color wars.
Now that our RAH year is coming to an end, we start to see curses and blessings in a whole new way.
Hugging our friends goodbye for the last time sounds so sad,
But looking back on all the memories we have created with them makes sad moments feel happier.
In the Torah portion Re’eh, it says how God will give you either a blessing or a curse,
But now we know that’s its not so black and white.
Going into RAH year is both a blessing and a curse.
Everything we do is being checked off on a list of our lasts,
But you can’t be sad that its over – instead happy it happened.
Enjoy the rest of your Shabbat and time at Camp Harlam – We can assure you, its a blessing.
Parisa, Meital, Ashley
Parisa: This week, our middah is binah, or seeking meaning.
Metal: For the campers, this may be making friends, or having fun during the summer.
Ashley: But we decided to ask the most important and influential people during our camp experience…our counselors.
Parisa: Abby Hart said “Finding joy in the little things, and making every moment last.
Meital: Molly Shapiro answered, “I guess at camp its easy to find meaning in what you enjoy and hanging with your friends. But I couldn’t tell you in real life.”
Ashley: Kaylah Ross, after thinking for a minute, said “Seeking meaning to me is finding essence in the little things at camp, like laying in a grassy spot in the sun.”
Parisa: Eve said, “To me, it is always trying to learn something new everyday and never doing something without seeing the value in it.”
Ashley: Natalie answered. “It means looking into myself, finding who I am, and helping others do the same.”
Meital: Throughout all the answers, one of the main themes is finding value in and enjoying every moment.
Parisa: Like getting to know our Carmel buddies.
Ashley: Or bonding on the long walk to and from the village.
Meital: Or watching your counselors laugh as you write down every word they say.
Parisa: We are so grateful for all the people around us, and everything we’ve experienced during our Chavurah summer.
Ashley: We have been able to find the light in every moment and we encourage you to do the same.
All: Shabbat Shalom
R: This is our last speech, last Shabbat and last summer as campers.
M: But it’s our first summer being friends.
R: Being in Chavurah has made us a lot closer and will make our lasts good-bye so much harder.
M: This summer has taught us so much like–
R: When to fill your water bottle
M: How to not step in the mud.
R: And how to handle tough situations.
M: One thing that we haven’t learned is how to say goodbye.
R: Something that has let us seek meaning this summer is music..
M: Every time a song by Noah Kahan plays, you will hear us scream singing at each other.
R: One song that sticks out to us is called stick season.
M: Now anytime that Remy or I hear that song, no matter where we are, we will be thinking of each other.
R: The smallest things will stick with you.
M: Especially for us, a song.
R: There are so many things that we could say about this place, but–
M: Our time is up…
R: As we say good-bye to Camp Harlam, we leave with the thought that music can connect us.
M: and singing the Sh’ma as a community connects all of us.
Izzy: The meaning of the Mi Chamocha is a song of freedom. The Jewish people sang this song when they finally realized their freedom and had the chance to choose their own paths.
Dani: At the end of Chavurah summer we have the freedom to choose our path with Harlam and our friendships.
Victoria: We can decide to put in the effort and continue our friendships long distance of slowly fade apart.
Izzy: We all know that we will keep our friendship strong because of the shared moments we have together.
Dani: We also have the freedom to choose how our camp journey proceeds. Next summer we will not return to Kunkletown. Instead we will continue our journey in Israel making new friends and exploring a new country.
Victoria: Trying new foods and visiting beautiful places all while being together.
Izzy: Looking even farther ahead, the year after Israel we have the freedom to chose if we will return to Harlam to become CITs
Dani: But right now we are still in Chavurah focusing on our last summer as campers and the freedoms we hav been given this year is jus as important as looking ahead.
Izzy: Putting our full hearts into finding in the little and big moments. From getting mail for the last time to the last Zumba and the last color war.
Victoria: We put our whole heart and soul in our friendship and this magical place in hopes that our memories will last forever.
Dani: We have all been best friends since Galil but that doesn’t mean it has always been easy, like any friendship, we have had our ups and downs.
Izzy: But we have gotten past all of that to see the real meaning in our friendship.
Victoria: Aou our camper experience comes to a close, we want to remind everyone to take advantage of the the freedom Camp Harlam give you, and continue to live in the moment because your camp journey only lasts so long.
Camp Harlam has held so many memories for me. I remember leading service for the first time, chanting the words to a prayer I did not know. Fast forward 4 years and I’m in Galil. I had my Bat Mitzvah right here, right where I’m standing now. Fast forward two more years to today and I’m in Chavurah. This place and these people have shaped me into the person I am today. If I could tell my past self one thing it would be to savor every moment. This week’s middah is Binah, seeking meaning. Seeking meaning is everything from cold showers, long walks to and from the village, the 12 mile hike, the power outage, and even climbing the tower. Don’t let a single moment pass you by – you can find meaning in every moment here at camp. Before you know it, you’ll be up here like me, in Chavurah giving these Shabbat words one last time. During silent prayer, think back to past summers whether this is your first summer or your eighth summer. This is me, Lyla, the camper who went from Carmel to Sharon to Kineret to Galil to Kfar and now to Chavurah signing off for the final time. Farewell Chavurah, you will be missed.
Jeremy: The next prayer is the Yotzer Or, which praises God for the creation of light and darkness.
Sam: The most important source of light is the sun, which rises and sets every day.
Jeremy: Like how the sun sets, camp always comes to an end, but just as the sun rises with the coming of each new day, the summer arrives, year after year, and with it, we return to Kunkletown.
Sam: Similarly to how we look forward to the new day before going to bed, we eagerly await the start of a new summer at camp. However, we are aware that the sun will not rise for us again as campers.
Jeremy: Since we met in Carmel, we have been best friends, and over the years, we have seen our friendship develop.
Sam: From talking late into the night–
Jeremy: to going skiing–
Sam: to climbing the tower–
Jeremy: which I did successfully for the first time last week–
Sam: We have made some great memories.
Jeremy: In Chavurah we have grown even closer, going to D.C., having Green Time, and spending our color war together, which leads us to today.
Sam: It has always been our dream to give a speech at Chavurah Shabbat, but we never expected that the moment would arrive so soon. As the final sunset of our time at camp draws nearer,
Jeremy: remember to cherish the time that you have with your friends,
Sam: Because it will not last forever.
Saimon, Jake, Ian, and Evan
Evan – During first session, I was unsure if I was going to be able to stay for second session. When I learned that I was going to be able to stay, I told myself that I was going to make the most of my time here at camp. I try to make sure that every moment is memorable. My experience this summer has been different from past summers. The magic of camp used to be made for me, but now I have started to make the magic. Looking back on this summer, I know I made every minute count.
Everyone – Camp moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and take time to take in the moments, they’ll be gone before you know it.
It’s our last Shabbat, gonna read the Torah –
Come on camp, let’s get a “HOO-RAH!”
Gonna unscroll the Torah and chant Re’eh
And hear all the wisdom it’s got to say…
Blessings or curses are up to you,
Depending on actions you choose to do.
The Israelites are almost at the promised land,
After 40 years of trudging through the sand.
Wow God and Moses tell them how to be,
To thrive in the land of milk and honey.
Off in ‘Rah we make our own choices,
Just like the Israelites, we use our own voices.
Aware of the rules, we determine our fate.
We gotta choose good before it’s too late.
All your actions do have meaning,
Remember that next time you are deceiving.
This summer’s been lit, it’s coming to a close,
Rah ‘23: Here we goes! *peace signs* *mic drop* *wows*