By Lisa David
I’m often asked, “what makes Harlam special?” It’s a little hard to put into words. It’s the people that make up our community, the feeling of belonging, and the sense that you’re home. More than our big events and hallmark programs, it’s the little moments that remind me why this place is so special and so unique. Let me explain.
This week I did my best to try to jump into activities with campers. I had the best time making a beaded mask chain with the Carmel girls, sitting under a tent while stringing beads and chatting about their work. The girl next to me explained how the day before was “the best day of her life” as she got to dance with her bunk in MTV Night, had free swim, AND had Adventure (ropes course) – all in one day!
The Carmel girls are our youngest campers, but they already embody so much of the Harlam spirit – from soaking in all of the fun, variety, and new experiences that camp has to offer, to taking care of each other. I got to see a photo of these girls brushing each other’s hair in a hair brushing chain. I was so moved by the image of them helping, literally, to take care of one another – teaching and supporting each other with new life skills in a way that only happens at camp.
I also enjoyed a few games of ping pong over rest hour with our Arava and Galil boys. It led to a conversation about winning: how at Harlam it’s okay for people to win and to lose. That not everyone can always win, and that that’s okay. That camp can teach you to lose with grace, and that there’s so much to learn from both winning and losing.
One of my favorite moments occurs each week during Saturday morning Shabbat services in Chapel in the Woods. It has become a custom that, as we take the Torah out of our ark (tree!) and sing the series of blessing prior to parading the holy scroll around our outdoor chapel, the music swells and our voices rise to a joyful almost-shout as we belt out the S’hema blessing. It’s an overpowering wall of sound and voices, demonstrating the authentic swelling of emotion at being in that sacred space together.
One more thing that stood out to me this week is an appreciation that Harlam has become a place that, perhaps different from other camps, successfully welcomes new campers at every age. This year we have a bunk of 13-year-old boys that is all new, except for one returning camper. They have incredible staff and have bonded so quickly! It was amazing to watch them at the first Friday night song session – there they were, singing all in Hebrew, banging on tables, and dancing in circles with their arms around each other as if they had been at Harlam forever. It was so special to see how easily they became a part of the fabric of camp, and to see them do something you’d never see 13-year-old boys do outside of camp!
It’s moments like these that remind me just how special of a place Harlam is, and I know our campers and staff feel it too. The little moments can be life changing, and these feelings stay with them for a lifetime.
Lisa David is serving in her fifth summer as Camp Harlam’s Director after 18 years as a professional in the field of Jewish Camping. She is a former Harlam camper and staff member, and a proud parent of 3 Harlam campers.