By Celia Rubien
As a Harlamite, adventure is everywhere. Coming to camp itself is a new adventure as you trust it to provide you with fun and forever friends. Adventure surfaces when you talk to someone new in your unit, try a new stroke in the pool, or speak at Shabbat services. It is physically manifested, however, in the tower, high ropes, and the 16 unique adventure staff members.
During adventure, we try to teach kids lessons that encompass more than the physical challenges of climbing. Adventure is about getting emotionally prepared to step out of your comfort zone. Just the other day, someone climbing the wall wanted to come down. I pushed her upwards, saying “just two more rocks” until she adopted my words and challenged herself to make it to the top (and she did!) As campers wait for their turn to climb, they cheer on their friends. When they joke about the extremely fashionable blue hairnets, they find common ground. They create a supportive community that they then bring back to the bunk.
I vividly remember one day of my Chavurah summer when I climbed high ropes. Even though I loved adventure and had climbed before, my heart pounded as I struggled through the tight rope. My mind raced as I secretly regretted my decision to climb. At the end as I slid off the platform and zipped, I couldn’t contain my smile as I felt that sense of accomplishment I knew would come. Now, as an adventure counselor, I get to see that smile and rush of excitement on all of the campers’ faces as they all have new adventures of their own.
Even though adventure counselors don’t get to climb everyday, sunglasses are no longer a necessity on the swing, and spinning rocks have increased their presence, the actual adventure is all the same.
Celia Rubien is from Malvern, PA and will attend Tufts University in the fall. Celia enjoys baking, running and drawing in her free time. This is her 8th summer at camp.