Saturday morning, the unit of Arava (rising 7th graders) expressed their feeling about the middot (character trait) acharayut (thinking about others).
By Elle, Shana and Maya
This week the middah is acharayut, thinking about others. The other day my friend Elle was very energetic and on a sugar rush after Hershey. Even though I didn’t feel well myself, I let her lean on me and calm down. Going with the theme of acharayut, not that long ago my friend Maya was very homesick. Even though I needed to get ready for bed, I helped her think about an upcoming event, and things other things to look forward to. This made her excited and feel less homesick. Let’s just say Shayna isn’t the cleanest in our bunk. She has towels everywhere, her cubbies are a disaster, and there are shoes falling out of her shelves! One day, I helped her clean her area because we all wanted to win the golden plunger for our bunk. When we won the golden plunger, we were all so happy and got to enjoy really good chipwhiches! So, always think about others because something good will come out of it in the end.
By Ethan, Jonah and Jacob
You can interpret acharayut many ways. We look at is as respecting others opinions and feelings. We always have to respect our counselors decision even if we don’t agree with them. Like the other day our counselor chose to play ping-pong instead of gaga, we still had to respect him because it’s the right thing to do. A problem that probably occurs in every bunk is disrespecting each other. This problem occurs more frequently in our bunk then it should. We need to make camp a more welcoming place and it all starts with respecting each other. Since we only have three counselors we have recently had to step up our behavior and respect our counselors even more.
By Chloe, Ava and Sophie
You can make someone’s day. You can make a person smile. You can cheer up a friend. To do that you have to think about others! Our counselors think about us before themselves all the time. Whenever we have a problem our counselors are always there to help. When we think about other we feel happy, kind, and loving!! So don’t forget to think about others.