This past Friday night, Sharon (rising 5th graders) lead a beautiful services based on one of camp’s middot (character traits) tiferet (finding inner beauty and balance). Here is what they had to say:
By Lucy and Samara
This is my third year at camp. I have kinda gotten use to all of the crazy traditions here at Harlam. If you ask my counselors I’m probably one of the craziest in my bunk. But that is what makes me unique. Each person is like a puzzle piece, if one piece is missing it would not make sense. This weeks middah is tiferet. It means finding something that is unique or special about a friend or yourself.
By Jesse, Evan, BB, Nate
At camp, there are many challenges that you can over come by finding your inner beauty. If you can find your inner beauty you can overcome the challenges that life throws at you. Like being homesick or climbing the tower, or taking a cold showering. If you can’t get over these thing you can’t get through life. So find your tiferet, so you can be your best self.
By Jordy, Eliana, Eva and Evie
Tiferet means finding and nurturing the kindness in everyone. You can do easily do this everyday by holding a door or simply smiling at someone across the street. It’s not hard to be kind. Tiferet also means finding the beauty within you. You don’t have to have the prettiest face or the longest hair to be beautiful. Inner beauty on the inside means showing kindness to other people and yourself. So we have a little challenge. Every day, we challenge you to show a Mitzvah to someone.