The Carmel campers (rising 3rd and 4th graders) lead a wonderful service Friday night. Their theme was “Finding Joy”.
By Maya and Chloe
I find simcha in basketball, when my brother is nice, and eating ice cream. I find simcha in snuggling up with a good book or laughing about a goofy mad lib. As camp comes to a close and we’re thinking about how this is our last Shabbat together, think of all the good memories from this summer. Singing at song session, hanging out with friends at rest hour, and jumping off the diving board are a few ways we found joy at camp. We found simcha this summer, and we hope you did too.
By Alex and Harry
Joy to me is playing cards at rest hour with all my best friends. Joy for me is having fun with my friends. Even if you are feeling down, you can find or do something that brings you joy. You can find joy in many places. Some places you can find joy are at camp and at home. Other places are at the pool and at school. What are some places you can find joy? And how can you find joy in them?
By Liv and Liza
Simcha means finding joy. We find joy at camp by trying something new everyday. Meeting new people. Spending time with our friends. And winning the golden plunger. Finding joy is important in life. Find joy in anyway you can, no matter what we do. We always find joy. You can find joy together, or alone. We have a challenge for you this summer. Find joy in anyway you can. Whether it is at camp or at home, you should always find joy.