This Saturday at services, K’Far Noar (rising 9th graders) spoke about the importance of going all in. Below are some of the reading from their service.
By Darya & Kaitlyn
People come back to camp year after year because of their love for camp. Being here means everyone has to be there for one another, no matter what. This summer, K’far goes on a rafting trip. In the raft, you have to coordinate with other people in order to get the raft moving. Rowing at the same pace, getting water out of the boat, and helping each other bounce off the rocks… if one person doesn’t give it their all, the raft won’t end up where it’s supposed to go.
Even at Rak Dan, we dress up crazy and dance. Participating in this camp tradition is a way we express our love for camp and for each other. If you don’t put your whole self into activities at camp, you will not be able to enjoy yourself fully. What every you do at camp, put your all into it, and make it count.
By Simon and Alex
This is our 7th and 11th summer at camp. During this time we have learned to go “all-in” on everything we do here. For example, thinking of what we wanted to write on this paper. Crushing Pinemere. Having the deepest voice when singing the Sabbath Prayer during Shabbat song session. Moshing the best during Rak Dan. Or even going “all in” when meeting new people. This week’s Torah portion contains the words of V’ahavta, which reminds us to love God with all our hearts, with all our souls and with all our might – all in. Remember this and try this session to be all-in in whatever you do.
By Laney, Maya, Alma & Maddy
Camp prepares us for the thick and thin throughout our lives, and teaches us so many lessons. One thing we’ve learned so far in this session is that it takes courage to get over the stumbling blocks or rocks in your path and I mean literal rocks! On Thursday, we went on the stream hike. The water was higher than it’s ever been and it took a lot of courage to keep getting up after falling down… 7 times! We couldn’t have made it through without the help of our friends, picking us up and laughing it off every time. We learned that it takes courage to get up and try again and that in the end it’s always worth seeing the view on the other side of those rocks. Next time you have a rock in your path, the currents beating you down, or you feel like you just can’t get over that log, have courage to try again, now matter how many times you fall down. Because your friends have always got your back. And together we’re ready for anything!