By Harry Evans
As a person who loves camp, the opportunity to work as a part of Chugim (Arts) here at Camp Harlam has always been very interesting. The opportunity to work with an array of different individuals here at camp is something that I feel personally blessed to be a part of.
Artistic expression is so important to children and the ability to let their creativity grow is shown in a number of activities and enables so many of our campers to express themselves in ways which outside of camp they may not be able to do. As a member of arts I feel an extreme sense of pride in the number of activities that we offer our campers from painting, drawing, ceramics and woodworking there is truly something for every camper.
Across the units our camper’s have been able to create numerous projects using both traditional arts such as painting with acrylic and watercolour to more modern art forms such as photography, video and audio production. We try to invest in our campers a sense of meaning behind the projects they are creating, allowing them to make something which they themselves can be proud of alongside learning various skills which they may not have had prior to joining us here at camp.
This year camp have coordinated tie dye into their new Chai-Lights program, allowing each camper to create their own tie dye shirts. Chugim has also renovated the Woodshop with new equipment and is extremely excited to work on several new projects with campers across each unit.
The leadership here at Harlam is dedicated to the development and growth of every camper and coordinating arts into this is an integral part of camp life and as the staff continue to support their campers in numerous ways, developing new ideas and working on their own strengths we are assured that the Summer of 2019 will be an exciting year for Harlam.