Our K’Far Noar (rising 9th graders) campers led services beautifully on Saturday morning. Their theme was acceptance and inclusivity. Below are the readings they wrote and shared with our camp community.
By Dimore and Ellie
K’far decided that the theme of this service should be acceptance and inclusivity. At camp we make sure everyone is included and feels welcomed. No matter if it is your first year as a camper or your last year as a staff member, we make sure everyone feels as if this is their home. Acceptance and inclusivity is very important in K’far. As someone who came from an 8 person bunk in Galil, and now live with over 30 people, it is necessary for everyone to feel valued. But that does not only apply to K’far; it applies to every unit at camp. The acceptance of each individual soul is what makes Camp Harlam such a unique and special place for all of us.