Friday evening our Arava (rising 7th graders) led a creative service using poetry to explain each of our camp’s seven middot (character traits).
By Jordana and Aubrey
Why do I return here, a place I do not know?
Is it the tower? Color War? The Lake?
Where’s the meaning in this place, I come to every year?
Seeking meaning, I return here.
I still wonder, as the question grows in my mind
Not Adventure, or Waterfront, or Teva
No matter what I do, the meaning isn’t clear,
Seeking meaning I return here.
But what if it isn’t the things that I do?
Not just sports, and S’morning and art.
Maybe it’s also my bunkmates and peers.
Seeking meaning, I return here.
What if it’s those that I see everyday?
My counselors, my bunkmates, my friends.
Now I realize it. The meaning is true;
Seeking meaning. I return to you.
By Gabby, Jackie, Elaina and Samantha
Camp is a place where you learn confidence and independence, or bitachon. My whole family wanted me to go to camp but I did not really want to go at first. But once I met the people at camp, I knew I wanted to stay. After my first year at camp, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to come back, but my camp friends helped me work up the confidence to come back. My brother went to camp and recommended it to me. He knew it would be a good place to be myself and have fun without worrying. This is my fourth summer going to camp, but my first time going double session. I was really nervous I wouldn’t like my bunk, but once I met them, all my nervous feeling went away. My friends helped my build up the confidence to feel at home. In the end, we all built up the bitachon to come back and call this place our home.
By Noa L, Emma and Charlotte
One of the 7 middot at camp is acharayut, thinking of others. We all hopefully practice acharayut at Camp Harlam.
Thinking of others is…
helping a friend during nikayon
Thinking of others is….
teaching a new camper the camp traditions.
Thinking of others is….
teaching someone how to make a friendship bracelet.
Thinking of others is….
giving someone a bracelet.
Thinking of others is….
Cheering someone up when they are homesick.
Thinking of others is….
Sharing your Maccabiah stuff when someone doesn’t have any.
How can you show ACHARAYOT at camp?
By Sam, Ethan, Jared and Harrison
Pushing through a challenge, Nitzachon
N-Never give up
I- I will do it
T- Think about the positive outcomes
Z- Zone into your goals
A- Ask for help when you need it
C-Climbing up a hill
H- Hold onto the things that matter
O- Optimistic attitude
N- Now you can overcome your obstacles
Use these skills to your best ability!
By Noa D., Lila, Ben, Meg, Arielle and Allie
Hey Harlam
Our middah is all about simcha
Okay Harlam,
Oh boy,
Simcha means finding joy!
Red, Gold, Green, Blue
Color war wouldn’t be the same without all of you!
Harlam is great, Harlam is fun,
I find joy
When my burger has a bun.
Roses are red
Violets are blue,
I find joy in shower order
When I am number 1 or 2.
Shabbat Shalom!
Shabbat Shalom!
I find simcha when I am not alone!
That was our last poem. I hope you found simcha
Thanks for listening, Toda Rabah!
By Drew, Mattie, Carly, Maya and Sara
Our middah is rachamim, which means acting with your heart. In camp, acting with your heart is shown in many different ways, such as sharing, being friendly, comforting friends, and being open to new things. When you share, it can be simple things like giving string to a friend or sharing a hug with someone that’s homesick which shows you care. You should always be open to making new friends and accept that even if someone isn’t your closest friend you should still be kind. Simple acts of kindness, like making someone’s bed when they are sick or helping out during nikayon can mean a lot to someone else. This summer we hope you learn to be more open minded and see the best in others.
By Ryan, Oliver, Ethan, Ollie, Sam
In Camp Harlam, there are many examples of inner beauty or Tifferet. Here are some of the ones that we found. First the bunks on the outside, they look like regular cabins, but on the inside, they are your home away from home. Next, your bunkmates, at first they seem like strangers on the outside, but they become family. Song session may seem overwhelming at the beginning but as you ease into it, you start to have a great time. While climbing up the tower you may feel nervous and scared, but when you reach the top you see a view of camp and your friends cheering for you and you feel proud.