It’s been a fabulous first week of camp! Read below to find out the highlights from each unit.
Carmel: What a great week! We had Carmel orientation night where we learned the ins and outs of Camp Harlam. We also enjoyed our bunk bonding night. Celebrating our first Shabbat at camp was exciting. We can’t wait for Carmel/Chavurah Day so that we can meet our buddies!
Sharon: We’ve really enjoyed the first days of camp! We made sock puppets and shared them with our friends. We also had fun bonding with our bunks during unit time. We’ve also enjoyed some camp favorite meals like pizza, yellow meal and pierogies. Next week are looking forward going to Beltzville State Park.
Kineret: We are so excited that our summer has finally started! We had an amazing Opening Day – after our parents left, we took our bunk photos and swim tests, and then at night we had an amazing Kineret Orientation program. On Thursday, we celebrated Kineret’s 9th birthday. We played Musical Chairs, Pin the Tail on the Bear, and Coke & Pepsi – we even got birthday cake at the end! We got to enjoy our first camp Shabbat of the summer and even got to go to Rak Dan for the very first time! We’ve already had so much fun and we’ve only been here a few days – we can’t wait to see what the rest of the summer has in store!
Arava: This week in Arava we have had so much fun hanging out with our old and new friends. We had a blast at our first Shabbat song session of the summer. We had the honor of leading the first Shabbat Friday night services. Our theme was to talk about all of camp’s different middot, or values, in poems. We have had so much fun in Adventure and Free Swim. We can’t wait for the carnival, Dutch Springs, and our campout next week!
Galil: We are enjoying being the oldest campers in junior camp! It’s been a fun filled week including the following evening programs: Israel Night, Area 51 Alien Raid and tonight we will discuss how Money is Power and create our own cities. We are looking forward the Dutch Springs trip next week!
K’Far Noar: K’Far had a blast during the first week of camp. We jumped right in preparing for services on Saturday morning. It was so great to see each camper participate in the planning of the service based on the theme of “Inclusion”. Our favorite evening program was “Honey I Shrunk K’Far” in which we were taken back to our pre-school days for bubble blowing and finger painting! We can’t wait to meet our Kineret buddies on Sunday.
Chavurah: We had an awesome first week! We went to Adventure, Athletics and Arts. We also went on a Teva Hike in Beltzville State Park on Friday morning before Shabbat. We saw a beautiful waterfall, hiked through the woods and swam in the lake. We can’t wait for Carmel/Chavurah Day!!!
Gesher: We started this session by greeting the campers and helping unload all the luggage on Opening Day! The Gesher participants are trilled to start their department and unit assignments. This weekend we enjoyed Shabbat services and song session. And we are looking forward to joining the units on their trips to: Beltzville (Carmel/Sharon), the Iron Pigs game (Kineret), and Dutch Spring (Arava/Galil)!