Read below to find out the highlights from each units week!
Carmel: Carmel had a great week! We went to Beltzville State Park, competed against Pinemere and showcased our talents at the Carmel Talent Show! Each bunk performed at the all camp MTV night and we are proud to announce that Carmel Girls 3 won 3rd place overall and Carmel Boys 1 won the Crowd Pleaser award. We are excited for Dorney Day tomorrow!
Sharon: This week Sharon enjoyed the CIT Carnival and the all camp MTV night! We also enjoyed our trip to Beltzville State Park where we swam, played in the sand and ate yummy treats. In the evenings we had a Talent Show, Israel Night, and The Sharon Olympics. We are super excited to go to Dorney Park tomorrow.
Kineret: Kineret had a fantastic week! At the beginning of the week we went to the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs game and had some delicious ice cream. Some of our bunks slept in the tree house and had some great bonding experiences. We also lead services on Friday night with our theme of nitzachon, or pushing through a challenge. We had a great time meeting and hanging out with our K’Far buddies! We can’t wait for Dorney Day tomorrow and another great week!
Arava: Arava had an amazing week! We had a great time in the lake at Dutch Springs and at our “camp-in” in the New Beit. We performed our original dances at MTV night on Saturday and had a blast. We also enjoyed snow cones and games at the Carnival earlier this week. We can’t wait to go to Hershey tomorrow and for another great week at camp!
Galil: Galil had an incredible week! We had so much fun playing in the lake at Dutch Springs. The carnival was so much fun and we got to see our amazing CITs thrive. We are so excited for Hershey on Monday and leading services next Saturday!
K’far Noar: K’Far Noar had such a great week. We had a blast on our rafting trip and then a super fun day at the carnival led by the CITs! We hung out with our Kineret buddies at free swim a couple times, and are getting excited to leave for NYC. We are so happy to be at camp!
Chavurah: Chavurah had the best week yet! We had lots of Teva, Jlife, and Arts. The highlights include Carmel/Chavurah Day, the carnival, synchronized swimming, and Israel Night. We can’t wait to leave for DC!
Gesher: It’s been a busy week for Gesher! We had a restful Shabbat last week and then jumped right back into work! We went with our campers to Beltzville, the Iron Pigs baseball game, and Dutch Springs. We had a blast in the water and at the stadium! Then we came back and had our 24 hour experience, sleeping in bunks and spending all day with our campers! It was an insightful and tiring experience, but it was also filled with some awesome programs like a silent escape room challenge, a case of stolen milk squad, and a Create-Your-Own-Country! We wrapped our week up with Gesher Family Shabbat, where we got to see our families! We celebrated with Jordyn G., the Mitch Perlmeter Leadership Award recipient, and ended the day with Camp Harlam’s first ever MTV night! We are looking forward to Dorney and Hershey Parks on Monday and then the Variety Show on Wednesday!”