Friday evening our Sharon (rising 5th graders) campers led a meaningful service reminding us that that the journey is more important than the destination.
By Luci, Ayla and Ava
This week’s Torah portion, Devarim, retells parts of the journey that the Israelites took over the 40 years they wandered in the desert. Whether it’s your first or last year at camp we have all made a journey as we come together as one with our community. That is why Sharon thinks “journeys” is a perfect theme for this Shabbat.
From Bunko dance parties…
To climbing the tower…
To hands being bright red at song session…
To towel fashion shows and Cubby Ball tournaments…
Even though all of our journeys might have some of the same experiences, everyone has a unique camp journey.
By Leah, Madeline and Jordan
At camp we face many journeys. Some parts of those can feel dark at times, but then in the end the light comes.
We have terrific dance parties but…
We get strep during Color War and…
We get sick on Shabbat…
Even during the difficult times you know that the light will also shine through the darkness.
Molly and Isabella
Izzy and I have been through a journey throughout camp. We have been friends ever since we met at Taste of Camp. Our first year we were in a bunk together and all of the other years we were in different bunks. Even though we were separated we have stayed friends through swim team, nails and make-up, fun, and playdates. We have had lots of ups, but we’ve also had downs. Even though we’ve had our downs, we are still friends because we really listen to each other.
By Tyler, Liza and Avery
When I first came to camp, I thought I wouldn’t make any friends, but now Harlam is my home away from home. At first it was hard without my brother at camp because I was used to having someone in my family at camp, but soon I realized that my camp friends are also my family. My first summer at camp I felt trapped because I didn’t know anyone, but then I started to make more friends and now I feel free at camp. The Mi Chamocha is about the Isarelites being freed from slavery. For us, making friends made us feel free at camp. When we sing the Mi Chamocha, think about the ways you are free at camp.
By Braden, Ami and Jackson
We all have someone in our family came to Harlam before us. For me it was my brother and sister. For me it was my sister. And for me it was my cousins. We had family who came to camp before us just like the Amidah talks about our ancestors who came before us. Throughout our journeys we know camp will always be the glue to always keep us together.
By Noah and Eli
Finding peace can be a challenge. From the outdoor wall to rest hour when your when you’re with friends, it’s not always peaceful. I’ve been at camp for three years and every summer there have been challenges to finding peace. But Shabbat is a time where you can find rest and peace. From the warmth of Friday night pie…to singing the prayers…We both find peace in Siyum L’Yom, because it eases us into night.
By Talya and Lilly
As we move toward the end of this summer’s camp journey we can’t help but think about not being able to see our camp family until next year. When you’re at camp you always forget that you have to remember these moments because you only have four weeks with all these great people. When you’re here at Camp Harlam you don’t always realize that those small moments are the things that make this summer great. So as we pray silently, reflect on what you need to do to make the most of the rest of this year and all the next to come.
By Max
This is my second summer at Harlam. A whole lot has changed since then. It’s been a whole lot of fun, especially since my brother is here now. My bunk is much smaller this year, but that doesn’t mean I can’t spend time with my friends! From building forts to playing cards, my bunk feels homier than home! If I listed what I love at camp, I could be here all day. I love adventure, especially the swing. It feels so fun! I love sports and arts here, and don’t let me forget. J-Life and Chai-lights! Being on this journey is awesome, and I can’t wait for what’s up next!
By Spencer
My Journey so far at Camp Harlam has been full of questions. This has led me to wonder what will really happen. Even if I have knowledge of what the counselors told us we are doing during that period. For example, recently a huge storm hit Harlam with wind gusts of up to 50 mph. Many trees fell down, the little top almost fell down, and even huge tables outside flipped upside down. But thankfully, we were all safe. And during that time period, I thought that we were going to dinner but we ended up being stuck inside different buildings. I am thankful for this because I got to hang out with my friends and watch the storm pass by.