This past weekend, the unit of K’far Noar led Saturday morning Shabbat services. Below are a few of their writings on the service’s theme, the large effect that small changes can have.
By Mikayla & Sasha
At Camp Harlam, Shabbat is an image of a loving community coming together to appreciate ourselves and each other. But in reality, Shabbat can sometimes feel like a jarring halt to our week, preventing us from participating in regular camp activities. Some people might rather be swimming in the lake or climbing the tower right now.
However, Shabbat is one of the things that make Camp Harlam what it is. Although Shabbat can feel big and overwhelming, the small things are what make camp Shabbat so special. Small moments make a big difference, and Shabbat at camp is no exception.
On Shabbat, taking a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday camp life may not seem like a big deal, but it gives us a unique opportunity to grow closer as a community. This is what camp is all about: taking advantage of the little things like our moments or Shabbat to create a truly incredible experience.
So next time you find yourself wondering what the point of Shabbat is, think of the little moments and how big their impact can be. Now, we come together for a song about Shabbat joy.
By Claire, Izzy, & Bella
The theme of K’far’s service is how small acts can achieve something bigger. Try to think of a time when you saw or did something small that made a big difference.
It can be anything from saying hi to someone you don’t usually talk to, to trying something new. These seemingly small actions can lead to making a new best friend or finding your passion.
People tend to focus on the big actions and changes in our lives, but it’s also important to notice the smaller actions that were taken to get there. We hope that during this service you can take some time to appreciate how impactful the small changes can be.
By Lily, Zoe, & Dasia
Throughout our time at camp, we’ve noticed small changes being made to make our community more inclusive.
Whether it’s hanging up a pride flag, having gender-neutral bathrooms, and even adjusting the Birkat.
One more specific change that we’ve noticed are pronouns. Each time we introduce ourselves to new people, we state our pronouns. Some pronouns may be hard to get used to, but it gets easier over time. If you make a mistake, apologize, and correct yourself.
This one small change may not affect everyone, but for some, this makes them feel more comfortable in their own skin.
By Melissa, Carly, & Sophia
Being in a new unit might seem like a small change, but this year was different. We went from living with around 16 friends and 5 different bunks to 40 friends and two big bunks. Something small, like sitting with someone new at breakfast, could lead to something big, like a new friendship. We all bong over small things, such as the walk to and from the village. From these small changes, we’ve learned new things and created new bonds.
Living in the village has allowed us to expand our Kahal, community, by complaining over seemingly small things. We’ve started conversations with people we have never talked to before about things like cold showers. Even though living in the village has its downsides, we all bond over small things like our love for Ed Sheeran. All these small changes from being in the village have given us new experiences and friendships that will last forever. We wouldn’t want it any other way.