Read each unit’s Round-Up below to see what happened in Week 3 at camp.
Carmel: Carmel finally met their buddies! After a day in the Chavurah Village, Carmel now has new buddies for life. If the 4th of July carnival wasn’t enough Carmel participated in their first Maccabiah. The theme was Elements: Red Fire, Gold Air, Blue Water and Green Earth. Gold Air was victorious after three days of competition. The unit of Carmel is looking forward to leading this upcoming Friday night service.
Sharon: Sharon had so much fun this week during color war! We cheered during tug of war, danced in the Rikkudiah, and sang our hearts out during the Zimriah. We led beautiful services on Friday night, with the option to lead prayers, write speeches, sing, or make artwork for the service. We had so much fun at adventure and the lake during camper free choice on Saturday!
Kineret: Kineret loved celebrating the 4th of July with the carnival! We loved cheering on our friends in dances during color war! Kineret had a blast at their first Rak Dan and dressed up in amazing crazy costumes. Kineret laughed through the variety show and loved watching CITs perform! We are looking forward to the camp play and banquet!
Arava: This week we started out with Adventure, where we got to do the zipline, swing, and the other elements! Speaking of elements…we had Maccabi Elements!! We got to participate in dances, do tug of war, play lots of fun sports like ultimate frisbee and 3 v. 3 basketball, and have a swim meet! After Maccabiah ended, we enjoyed a nice outdoor Shabbat, and then had camper free choice, where we got to walk around with our buddies and go to lots of fun activities. We are really excited for what the last week of the session will bring!
Galil: Galil had a fabulous time participating in Maccabiah. On Saturday, the unit lead a beautiful service with the message of keeping promises and in the afternoon they had camper free choice, with additional opportunities to go to the lake and the zip line.
K’far Noar: The past week of K’Far has been filled with leadership, care, and sportsmanship. Camaraderie in the bunks has continued to flourish as bonds grow deeper and more meaningful. We had Maccabiah, with two of our amazing staff members as generals in the 3 day all camp program. Post Maccabiah the unit has enjoyed arts, adventure, water fun, and Athletics. We have had time for “village chillage” where the campers get to hangout and do what they enjoy most. This has brought us ping pong tournaments and friendship bracelets as well as special memories and laughs.
Chavurah: Chavurah loved Maccabiah! We had a representative in every dance at the Rikkudiah, and even had some Rah campers play instruments for the red team’s songs at the Zimriah! Big shoutout to the gold team for winning it all, with the help of Chavurah! After Maccabiah, we took an amazing 4 mile hike with Teva! It was great to be outside, and leave camp in a totally safe way! Can’t wait for one more week of first session fun, including a CIT banquet and the Chavurah shabbat service!
Gesher: This week our CITs started their third and final rotations in departments or units. On Tuesday, we were divided into our 4 color war teams. Many CITs worked on songs, dances, or plaques. After color war, we had our last shabbat together before our Israel trip. We have all been hard at work preparing for the all-camp variety show which takes place on Saturday night! Our final week at camp will be filled with time in our third rotations – learning about and working in new units and departments as well as prepping for our banquet and packing for Israel!