The Sharon campers (rising 5th graders) led services on Friday evening. Their theme was “Thinking of Others”
By Jonah, Dylan and Jack
In this week’s Torah portion, we read about Moses and the Israelites helping each other and the future generations be better. Helping your friends is inevitable at camp, you eat, sleep and do everything with your bunk mates. If they have a problem, it is your problem too. If you are selfish when you come to camp, you won’t be when you leave!
One time on rookie day, my friend got stuck on a kayak facing the wrong way. So I turned him around and. We got back to shore before the period was over. When my brother was stuck on a math problem, I gave up my personal time to help him solve it.
By Jordan and Ari
When most people think of treating others with kindness, they usually think o people. But there are other things involved in our everyday lives.
Trees give us fruit, shade, air and wood. The fruit we use as food, the shade offers us a cool place to rest, air allows us to breath and wood gives us paper, homes and much more. We should respect trees as much as they respect us. In my backyard, we have a giant Maple tree, that shade my whole garden. I love to climb on it, and it give us maple syrup. I also have Pawpaw trees, which give fruit that taste like a cross between pineapple and mango. When. We pick a lot of them, we make ice cream. In my front yard, we also have a maple tree. It’’s small, but sturdy and has the most beautiful leaves in the fall- a mix of gold red, orange and yellow.
By Jane, Alissa and Kate
When I met Alissa, I knew it was going to be an amazing friendship. Alissa is always there for me. She will always help me if I lose something, for example, she helped me find my water bottle, shower shoes, notebook, clipboard, pen and more! And this is just one way of how Alissa helped me. I can’t share all the ways because it would be too long, but Alissa is amazing!
I have known Kate for, like, forever. We are like a PB&J sandwich. When I found out that we were going to the same camp, I was SO excited, but my worst fear was losing her as a friend. Now I am here, and we are so close, but also have so many new friends like Jane. The first couple of days, I missed my parents so much, but Kate was there to help me. Also, through this hard year, Kate helped me when I had a bad day, it was like she knew because she would call me when I needed her. She is always by my side.
When I met Jane, she had a smile on her face. We I got to know her better, I knew at once, she was going to be a good friend. She is so helpful, she does her job at Nikayon and helps people with their jobs! She helped us when we were homesick. Jane is so nice to people.
She is also REALLY good at cleaning showers!
By Jules and Sophie
This week’s Torah portion is Re’eh which inspired our theme of thinking of others. Sophie and I. Have only known each other for 2 weeks but it feels like 2 years. We became very close and helped each other though being home sick. These past 2 weeks have been hard for both of us. Throughout. Quarantine, we spent a lot of time with our family and this was the first time we have been away from them, in a long time. For example, when Jules was crying, I tried to comfort her, but it made me homesick. One night, when everyone was asleep except me, Sophie was crying and I didn’t know what to do. So I decided to go up to her bed and comfort her. Even thought it’s my second year here and Jules’ 1st year, we still were able to comfort each other.
By Micah and Noah
For the week, the theme was Achrayut, or thinking of others. I think that my counselors have done a great job of that! Lumpy and Daniel both helped me a lot with a card game- Magic the Gathering, Itamar taught me and my whole bunk about knots, and Blake is just Blake, in an awesome way!
My example for when I felt that others were thinking of me, is when my mom was sick with cancer, many people came and made dinner for us, so she did not have to cook. When my mom passed away, we had so many people who reached out to offer help. Those are my examples of how they were thinking of others.
By Sophia and Charlotte
This is our first year at Harlam and I was nervous I was not going to make any friends. But then I met Charlotte, we were instantly friends. When I met Sophia I knew I was going to have a great summer. An example of when my friends helped me was when I went on the tower. I was really nervous about it, but my bunk mates encouraged me to. Climb it, and I. had lots of fun. My example was from the tower too! When I was climbing, my bunk mates helped me by saying I could do it and that I was almost there. When I got to the top, I was so happy, it was great. That my friends were thinking of me and cheering me on.
By Naomi, Ani and Maya
On my first day of camp, I was so nervous but when I walked into my bunk, the first two faces I saw was Maya and Ani’s cheery faces so I put on a cheerful face too. By then I knew I would love this place. On my first day it was a little hard because I knew no one. I was in Carmel and I also missed my parents. But when I walked in the bunk, everyone welcomed me. I was so happy, I smiled with joy and that is when I knew I made the right decision by coming to Harlam. The way my cabin mates welcomed me, I felt such joy that made me want to treat them that way too.
The first day of camp, when I started as a Carmellion, I didn’t know what to expect. When I started to unpack, I looked around the room for a familiar face, but I didn’t see any. When my bunkmate walked through the doors I was filled with glee. How kind she was, made me want to come to camp again.
By Lilliana, Liv and Chloe
This week’s Torah portion is about thinking of others. For example, our kitchen staff has to make food and set up the Chadar Ochel for the whole camp. We should thank them for always thinking of us. If you see trash on the ground, do you just leave it there, or do you pick it up? If. Everyone just thinks of themselves and leaves is there, camp will be filled with trash. One time when I was thinking about others is when my friend didn’t know how to do a certain job, so I explained to her how to do the job and helped her do it. We hope you can learn about “thinking of other” from our experiences and think of ways you can do more for the community.