The unit of Sharon led our Friday night Shabbat services last week. Their theme was Acharayut or thinking about others. Below are some of the words they shared.
By Ori, Basher, and Ethan: This is my first year at camp and my friends helped me become one of the known campers of the bunk. As soon as Ori stepped into the bunk, it felt like it had been only a second since he joined the bunk because he is such a good friend. Once we settled into the bunk, I asked everyone if they know how to solve a Rubin cube. Ori said he did so we talked and had a lot in common. He helped me and we became friends.
By Rebecca and Ellie: Acharayut, thinking of others, could be something small like splitting a cookie with a friend who dropped theirs at milk squad or something bigger like knowing when a friend needs help and helping them in the best way you can. I met Rebecca in Carmel last year. I was really homesick that year and I was sure I wouldn’t come back, but Rebecca showed Acharayut and encouraged me to come back this year. As soon as I came into our cabin, I saw Rebecca with a warm smile and open arms! That’s when I knew I made the right decision by coming back this year. What Acharayut means to me is helping a friend in the best way you can, or maybe just making them smile. Ellie does that to me every day. And sometimes it’s something small like helping me in nikayon, making me laugh when I’m sad, or it could be something bigger like cheering me on when I got stuck on the tower.
By Ben and Micah: Last year, I was super homesick. Micah came up to me and we talked. This small action made me feel welcome. I love camp and I wanted him to feel included and have lots of fun. He made me feel included using Acharayut – thinking of others – and I was able to have fun. Now we are both back here for another great year of camp. Our prayer for inclusion is that each camper and staff are there for one another to make them feel safe and included in this magical and amazing place we call home.
By Izzie, Olive, Eliza, and Talia: The middah of tonight’s service is Acharayut, thinking about others. It could be something as small as a sip of water from your friend’s water bottle or as big as welcoming a new camper into our bunk. A time that I showed Acharayut was when my best friend was homesick. I comforted her and helped her. By the next day, she was happy! I showed Acharayut when I cheered for my friend on the tower when they were scared to go to the top. Acharayut can be shown in many ways. We encourage you to think about others this Shabbat and for the rest of the summer!
By Elliot: What makes me think of Acharayut is when I had covid (yay) and I learned to appreciate being alive and being at camp. I’m thankful for the opportunity to be here because of the hard work of others. This inspires me to always think about others and to help out here at camp and outside of camp. Being kind and respecting others is easy to do. I challenge you all to do the same, to appreciate and think about others.
By Olivia and Dani: Thinking about others is really important especially when you are at camp. It could be something small like passing a fork down the table or cheering on a friend when they are climbing the tower. A time that I thought about others was when I was at archery and cheering on my friend. To me, thinking about others means figuring out what a friend is feeling. A time someone else thought about me was when one of my friends braided my hair and helped me clean during Nikayon. We all think about others every day and no one even realizes it. To me, thinking about others means helping a homesick friend during intersession by comforting them. It also meant standing up for my bunkmate when they were being teased about being homesick. I am also able to see when my friends think about me. When I didn’t have a partner for camper free choice, my friends helped me by letting me join their group. My counselors also practice Acharayut by helping me with this writing. Maariv Aravim welcomes the evening. In our evening ritual, we practice Acharayut by complementing the person next to us. Some people get scared at night because it’s so dark. But we need to remember that the sun will always come up.
By Jacob, Jacob, and Louis: In Hashkiveinu, we pray for peace. For the middah, Acharayut, helping others, we think about finding peace for other people. We can help people at camp find peace and feel at home. When I first got here, I was really homesick. Then Jacob and I helped him feel at home. We helped him find peace here at camp. I used to want to go home, but now this feels like a second home. During Hashkiveinu we also pray for peace around the world. Our goal is for there to be no more war or fighting; only peace. We hope you all help spread peace over the world.
By Jacob, Ben, and Nathan: One time I was at camp and these older kids were being mean to my friend. I decided to stand up for my friend and then the older kids left and there was peace. This is an example of Shalom Rav. When someone was being mean to me during camp, my friends stood up for me and told them to stop and they stopped. My friends created peace, which represents Shalom Rav. I’m new to camp and this is my first year. Although I had gone to another sleepaway camp last year, I was still feeling very homesick at the beginning of this session. As I was getting used to camp, my bunkmates and counselors were there to help me. This is an example of Acharayut. As we begin Shalom Rav, please think about how you can show Acharayut and spread kindness in your bunk and all around camp.
By Yinon and Hudson: Our next prayer is Ahavat Olam, which means love for the community. One time we showed love for the community by donating to a food drive for people who do not have enough money. Just like in Ahavat Olam, Adonai taught us how to use our years wisely. What Adonai did was teach and give us knowledge, just like we gave food to the homeless shelter.
By Harley and Phoenix: This week’s middah is Acharayut, thinking about others. When Harley and I first met, we didn’t know anyone. We were standing in a room of strangers. I came up to them and said, “Hi! Wanna be friends?” And I said, “YES!” And then we became friends. It may seem like something little, but when you think about others, it can go a long way!
By Lilah, Masha, Naya, Naomi, and Chaya: At camp there isn’t much silence with bunkmates 24/7, lots of kids in one place, and singing songs daily. But you can always take this time right now for silence. Silent prayer is a time where you can think about others. Think about this past week. When was a time that you thought about others? Mine was during Nikayon when I helped my friend clean the showers. There was so much hair… so much! Please take a moment for silent prayer.
By Devin: Acharayut means caring for others and helping out each other when they are in need of it. For example, one way we live this value of Acharayut is by being silent during silent prayer at T’fillah, so other people can actually pray. When we create space for each other to pray, it creates a sense of Acharayut for everyone.
By Ilan: Acharayut means caring for others and finding ways to help people. An example of this was when my friend was feeling sad because he was homesick and missed his parents. I helped him by saying nice things to make him feel better. When I help people, it makes me feel good.
By Noah: Acharayut means thinking about others and respecting them and helping each other. It also means respecting each other’s time and privacy and not invading each other’s space. That is what Acharayut means to me.
By Sydney: This is my first year at Harlam, so I have never really had a real Shabbat at the Chapel on the Hill, because it was raining. We have had “Shabbat Sha-beit” twice so far, which means services indoors in the Beit. Voices travel in the Beit, even during silent prayer when we are meant to be quiet. I try to be as quiet as possible during silent prayer. If someone around me is talking, I quietly ask them to be quiet so people who have something to pray about can pray in silence. I show Acharayut, or thinking about others, by being silent during the silent prayer so everyone could feel a special connection during Shabbat. It is very important to show acharayut everywhere, even outside of camp.