By Jordan Sharkey
Choosing to be a Specialty Camp Counselor, was probably the best decision I have ever made. Work began as soon as I arrived at Camp. The first twelve days were preparation days. Through a wide range of talks and meetings I was able to get to know my fellow counselors more and more. Although I already knew by day three I wanted to come back and do this all again next year. Making many friends within the first week, including some best friends that will definitely last a life-time.
For the final few days of the preparation period, I was moved into the international bunk, to allow the other cabins to be used by the campers and cabin counselors. And as soon as the campers arrived, everything had changed. From the calm, peaceful schedules during prep period to the chaotic, yet fun arrival of the campers. It was clear to see that everyone was exhausted after day one.
Before arriving at camp I had never met any Jewish people. It has only been just over three weeks since arriving at Camp Harlam, and I have clearly learned that being a counselor at camp doesn’t mean the campers learn from you, but in fact you also learn from them.
As the video specialty counselor this year at camp, I have to plan and make sure that the campers enjoyed and have fun with the video periods they arrived to. And I think it is safe to say they have done so far. Through the laughter from the K’ton campers with the green screen to the Chavurah campers with their unique music video. And after this summer I will get to look back and see the fun these campers had over and over again.

Jordan and his video elective
Camp Harlam will always have a place in my heart and I hope in these final six weeks I have left at camp don’t go as quick as the last three have. So for the likes of Rachel, Ben, Sam, James, Emma, Laura, Harry, Jared, Kate, Matt, Noah, Anna, Adam, Sally, Oonagh, Biebs, Erin, Craig and the many many other counselors I have met because of this experience, thank you. And thank you Camp Harlam for being an inspiring and equally driven place that I can happily call ‘Home’.
Jordan Sharkey is from Scotland where he studies filmmaking. This is his first year doing Camp America and hopefully the start of many more to come. He is the video production specialty counselor.