This past Friday night our Kineret (rising 6th graders) campers lead services. Their theme was Gratitude. Below are some of the readings they shared.
By Sammy, Oliver, Joaquin, Evan
Gratitude is a big element of our day-to-day life. All of us see acts of gratitude throughout camp. “I have always depended on the kindness of strangers” Though this quote is from the movie a Streetcar Name Desire, it can still be applied to life in camp. There are many people we don’t know at camp, but they still have a positive effect on camp that we feel. This can be people on support staff like the kitchen, operations, one housekeeping teams. Thank you to all of these people.
By Harrison and Ethan
At camp there are many things we are grateful for, but some of these items go unnoticed. Like…
Your Bed
A new friend
An old friend
Alternative Song Session
Song Session
Kosher Fried Chicken
Yellow Meal
Fun Period
Instructional Swim
Free swim
Time at camp
All of these things help make camp an incredible place and experience, and we are thankful for that.
By Maya, Drew, Carly and Sara
We’ve all been here for different amount of time and each year we get to experience new things. Each summer we meet new people and become even more grateful then the year before. We are grateful for our counselors for always being there for us, and comforting us when we are homesick. And for our friends for always making us laugh and providing motivation while climbing the tower. We are also grateful for everything else at camp from the Mirpa’ah (health center) staff to rest hour. Although we may not love the bruises and the bug bites, we love that friends become family at Camp Harlam.
By Raya, Mara, and Lola
Our Counselors
Our Friends
Working Showers
Having the ability to be full after a meal
And having a root over our heads
These are a few of the many things that we are grateful for. Gratitude is being thankful for the things around you. There are many people at camp who we have forgotten to be grateful for. A few examples are the kitchen staff, maintenance staff, and security guards. Our challenge for all of us is to thank someone you don’t know who has done something nice for you. Because sometimes we are more appreciative for the kind acts of our friends rather than the kind acts of strangers. Always remember to be grateful for the things you have.