By Izzy Namath
Lots of different words and phrases are used in Kineret–words like “swaggie” “besties” “cottage cheese record breaker” “Izzy!” “Did you brush your teeth?”– but also words and phrases such as “Im here for you” “I care about you” “I believe in you.” The second group of phrases are more quiet and gentle.
Quiet can be found in the moments between the loud, silly words. Sometimes, quiet is about listening. There is a saying that the pen is mightier than the sword–essentially words are more powerful than physical action against someone. I would argue that sometimes using silence is more powerful than either the pen or the sword.
I have already learned so much about how to make my words impactful through using my words less. It might sound silly, but it isn’t. Through listening and watching my Kineret campers and staff, I have been able to witness others using their words for good. Whether it be a camper reminding another camper that she too was homesick and can serve as a support system, a staff member guiding their camper from below as they climb to the top of the tower, or a staff member sitting with a camper in complete silence until the camper was ready to talk. These moments inspire me and guide me with how I use my words to create a positive impact.
Sometimes quiet is about listening, but sometimes silence is about something being wrong. When I was a Kineret camper, way back in 2011, if someone had told me that I would be the Kineret unit head ten years later, I would not have believed it. I was a very anxious, shy, and insecure camper. I’m glad that when I was quiet, my counselors listened and worked to figure out what was wrong. This helped me to find my voice and use my silence as a tool for myself and others. With words of encouragement from friends, counselors, and even my campers, I have been able to grow and become the person standing in front of you now. Never underestimate the power your words can have on others, because you never know who you could motivate to become a leader of the best unit in camp!
Izzy Namath is so excited to be at camp this summer! She is a rising senior at the University of Maryland where she is studying psychology and Jewish studies. At UMD, Izzy is a part of Help Center, which is a peer counseling and crisis intervention hotline. This will be her twelfth summer at camp!