Carmel: This was an amazing week in Carmel! We danced the night away at Becca’s Bat Mitzvah party, got new rotations of athletics and arts, and spent a day relaxing in the sun and playing in the water at Beltsville. We also started Color War (go team!), where we can participate in dances, tug of war, sports, and so much cheering. Carmel is very excited about the upcoming week!
Sharon: Another great week is in the books in Sharon! We decorated cakes, donned capes for Sh’uperhero night, and took a trip to Beltzville State Park! We also concluded our first rotation of arts and athletics and kicked off our second one. The Sharon Shabbat service is coming up this Friday, so the unit has spent some time preparing to lead the camp in prayer. We can’t wait for another great week in Sharon.
Kineret: Kineret had a great week filled with a trip to Beltzville and leading Shabbat! We had so much fun getting our K’far buddies and celebrating Kineret’s Birthday party! We are looking forward to participating in Color War and Rak Dan this week!
Arava: We had a great week in Arava! There was never a dull moment in Arava this week between adventure, arts, and athletics. We had an amazing hike in Beltzville state park that ended with relaxing at the lake. We are having so much fun with Color War, and we can’t wait to dance and sing for our teams. We are looking forward to dancing the night away at Rak Dan on Friday!
Galil: Galil has had a phenomenal past week filled with so many fun activities! From new arts electives to all the adventure elements, Galil found new things to challenge themselves with this week. We even created our own unique flavors of Oreo in our evening program, Sandwiched! Since the start of Color War, Galil campers have made new friends and shown extra ruach as role models for the younger units. We can’t wait for the awesome week ahead!
K’Far Noar: Hello from K’far far away! This week has been a wild one! We led t’fillah on Saturday morning where we taught camp what it means to seek meaning (Binah). Half of our unit also went on an overnight hike on the Appalachian Trail. We have been having fun in the village, getting to know each other, and now we’re getting to know more of camp through Maccabiah!
Chavurah: Rah had another amazing week! This week we really got into the amazing program offered by Harlam. We started the week with some adventure elements – Chavurah got to climb the wall and go on the swing! Rah campers also got to audition for the camp play, hone their skills during athletics, and learn some Jewish content during JLife and University. We also had a blast helping out with the July 4th carnival! Then, Color War broke! We have had such a good time getting to experience some friendly competition and show off our ruach!
Gehser: Gesher had an action-packed week at camp. Our camp embarked upon its second rotation, which meant switching from a cabin CIT to a department/specialty CIT or vice versa. We are also working with a new unit/age group. We planned and ran a very successful July 4th carnival with the help of some Chavurah campers. Currently, we are divided into the red, green, blue, and gold teams to participate in Maccabiah and support our four CIT majors who are helping to run Maccabiah! We are looking forward to seeing what the next week holds.