By Lori Zlotoff, REDI & Camper Care Manager
And Max “Shifty” Levine, summer staff member
Part of the work we recognize on Jewish Disability Awareness & Inclusion Month (JDAIM) – and take part in all year – is our focus on the sometimes-invisible disabilities in the field of mental health. The Youth Mental Health First Aid training course has been a core part of the training our RUACH counselors have received for the last 10 years. RUACH (Raising Understanding and Awareness of Campers at Harlam) counselors apply to participate in this program, receiving the YMHFA training prior to the summer, and get ongoing training with a clinical social worker to gain the skills, insight and knowledge that helps move our counselors from good to great. The information shared and topics discussed give counselors the insight, perspective, and confidence to approach mental health struggles, diagnoses and behaviors with a calm, thoughtful and compassionate approach.
Counselors receive training to be able to assess for risk, de-escalate behaviors, recognize impact and care for each child after an incident or struggle occurs. They serve as a role model for other staff, and leave camp feeling more comfortable with addressing mental health concerns with their peers once they get to college. The role these counselors play in making sure our inclusive philosophy is turned into practice is paramount. Along with the expertise of our Camper Care team and the number of accommodations we have in place to support campers, the RUACH counselors are critical to making our community a truly inclusive one. We celebrate their contributions this month in honor of JDAIM, and every day – and what better way to learn about the work than to hear from one of our RUACH alumni? Here’s summer staff member Max “Shifty” Levine with his thoughts on why this program is so important:
Camp Harlam is one of the greatest places in the world because of its mission to provide a personal, holistic, and FUN summer to all of its campers. When even one camper isn’t able to enjoy their time in this magical place, it is a detriment to all. This is why I feel so thankful for the chance to be trained in, and provide support for, Youth Mental Health First Aid at camp for the past three summers. Mental health has gained much needed attention in recent years, and Harlam has worked hard to recognize its importance, ensuring that all campers receive the support they need to have the best summer possible.
This work has very high stakes and can be unimaginably challenging at times. However, it has also been just as – if not more – unimaginably rewarding. Working in the RUACH Team has allowed me to build life-changing relationships with campers who truly need it and staff who are as committed to bettering the experience of campers as I am. This work is vital to improving the lives of campers, but it has also changed my life for the better, bringing me profound fulfillment. I am so grateful to have had this chance to work even closer with the campers I love so much.