Harlam Council Overview
The purpose of the Harlam Council is to engage lay leaders in supporting URJ Camp Harlam and to leverage their expertise and experience. Members provide advice and feedback, shape strategy and major programs, and generate resources to enhance the operations and impact of camp. While our Council does not have legal fiduciary responsibilities, the Council’s work is vital to Harlam’s success. Empowered to be involved and impactful, the Council – as a group – is responsible for:
- Shaping and protecting the mission, vision, and values of URJ Camp Harlam
- Understanding Harlam’s resource needs and generating financial support to help meet those needs
- Strengthening Harlam by connecting camp to its stakeholders and its stakeholders (current and future) to camp
- Serving as a sounding board for the Pro Staff, particularly the Executive Director
- Establishing and sustaining active lay leadership involvement through the Council, Committees, and Task Forces
- As a group, the Council develops goals, initiatives, and strategies to guide its work. Members undertake this work in collaboration with the Pro Staff and the Youth Program network of the Union of Reform Judaism.
Committees of the Council: Development, Executive Committee, Facility, Financial Assistance, and Governance
Current Task Forces of the Council/Pro Staff: Alumni Engagement, Camper Recruitment & Retention, DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), Master Planning & Capital Campaign, MESH (Mental, Emotional, and Social Health), Senior Camp Engagement & Program, and Staff Recruitment & Retention

If you would like more information about the Council, please email Ali Reich, Council Chair, or contact Lisa David, Executive Director, at LDavid@URJ.org or 610-668-0423, ext. 1042.
Council Members
- Ali Reich (Chairperson/Exec. Committee)
- Molly Diamondstein (Vice Chair/Exec. Committee)
- Samantha Green (Vice Chair / Exec. Committee)
- Marc Landis (Vice Chair/Exec. Committee)
- Liz Asher
- Julie Babione
- Yael Eads (ex officio)
- Ruth Gluck
- Shira Haaz
- Emily Halpern
- Rabbi Rachel Hertzman
- Rabbi Michael Holzman
- Erica Houston
- Rachel Klein
- Josh Laster
- Jennifer Lee
- Rabbi Jessica Locketz
- Rabbi Michael Namath
- Brent Novey (ex officio)
- Debbie Rappaport
- Melanie Ribich
- Rabbi Stacy Rigler
- Julie Rosen
- Jon Schulman
- Carly Schwartz
- Rosanne Selfon
- Caryn Seligman
- Rabbi Sue Shankman
- Ramona Sitko
- Peter Sklar
- Wendy Starr (ex officio)
- Ian Weitzman
- Michael Wilck (Past Chair)
Harlam Chaverim
- Rabbi Craig Axler
- Daniel Baratz
- Jacqueline Bass
- Josh Bomze
- Michael Davis
- Scott Fein
- Josh Fendrick
- Jennifer Finkelstein
- David Forstein
- Dan Fuchs (Past Chair)
- Jeff Green
- Caroline Kallman Joffe
- Beth Kanofsky
- Sharon Kollender
- Julie Levine
- Rabbi Larry Malinger
- Abraham Morris
- Daniel Nestel
- Dan Pliskin (Past Chair)
- Ronni Pressman
- Mimi Prushan
- Adam Rosenberg
- Adina Rosenthal
- Helene Sacks
- Bob Sheppard
- Jim Soffer
- Amanda Wachstein
- Joshua Waldorf
- Bettyruth Walter
- Steve Weisman