What Are You Grateful For?

What Are You Grateful For?

This past Friday night our Kineret (rising 6th graders) campers lead services. Their theme was Gratitude. Below are some of the readings they shared. By Sammy, Oliver, Joaquin, Evan Gratitude is a big element of our day-to-day life. All of us see acts of gratitude...
Week 3 Round-Up: Second Session 2018

Week 3 Round-Up: Second Session 2018

Read below for a re-cap for Week 3 from each unit! Carmel: Carmel had an amazing third week! We played in the rain and had fun in the sun! We got to cook in the new teaching kitchen and take pictures with Jen Lee. We made Ooblek during science night and learned about...
Wanda: A Lesson in Kindness and Compassion

Wanda: A Lesson in Kindness and Compassion

By Skylar and Jillian (Arava Girls 2 Campers)  Yesterday for bunk free choice, our bunk (Arava Girls 2) wanted to do baking with Jon & Ellie at their house. When we got there, we were told that their oven wasn’t working. Although the news was disappointing,...
The Unperiods

The Unperiods

By Maddie Gold Unperiods are unstructured times throughout the day; the in-betweens. These unperiods include wake up, nikayon (cabin clean-up), rest hour, shower hour and night time ritual. Although to some counselors these can be the most stressful and exhausting...
Nisayon (Experimentation)

Nisayon (Experimentation)

By Rabbi Steven Sirbu Over the course of a 4-week session at Camp Harlam, each unit leads Shabbat t’filah (prayer services) once for the entire camp. It is a responsibility that some campers embrace while others are more hesitant. To help everyone participate in a way...