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Oh, Home, This is our Home

Oh, Home, This is our Home

By Felicia P. Gesher's Final Song (to the tune of "Home" by, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros) Our Home On the hill and in the woods Not dwelling on the would's and could's Like the way that I do at school Well, holy moly, I might cry Stargazing on the 4th of...

The Importance of Promises

The Importance of Promises

When we learned about the Torah portion we thought about not only keeping promises, but not making the ones you can’t keep. Our relationship with God is a commitment made with promises, it is an example for other relationships. Every day at camp we make promises, but we also break them. 

Journeys and Small Changes

Journeys and Small Changes

I realized that my journey at camp, and what makes it exciting, is caring so deeply about the people here. You don’t need to travel far to be awed by people.  They’re right here.  I’ve been on quite a journey here— this is my tenth summer— but each one stays with me because of the people and my recollections of them.

On Keeping — and Breaking — Promises

On Keeping — and Breaking — Promises

We all have expectations for ourselves, and we all make mistakes because living life and making decisions can be super tricky. So of course, try to keep your promises, but please forgive yourself when you break them. 

Time Feels Like it’s Moving Differently

Time Feels Like it’s Moving Differently

There’s something about the intensity of camp that accelerates everything. Relationships are formed in what feels like seconds – deep, real, lifelong friendships. Learning and growth happen at lightspeed – we’re constantly trying new things, taking a leap, messing up, and trying again

We-the Diabolo and I- Were Inseparable.

We-the Diabolo and I- Were Inseparable.

Back then, one of my counselors was Brian Hurowitz. During that summer he taught me and a few others how to play with the Diabolo, also called the Chinese yo-yo.

Quiet is About the Listening

Quiet is About the Listening

With words of encouragement from friends, counselors, and even my campers, I have been able to grow and become the person standing in front of you now. Never underestimate the power your words can have on others, because you never know who you could motivate to become a leader of the best unit in camp!

From Hollywood to Omanut Supervisor

From Hollywood to Omanut Supervisor

I began to realize that what these kids needed wasn’t an ‘art education’ but the freedom and support to use art as a way to express what the past 18 months had done to all their covid affected souls. They wanted to sit around a picnic table with their friends and laugh at the paintings they were doing regardless if they were the next Picasso.

Small Changes

Small Changes

This past weekend, the unit of K’far Noar led Saturday morning Shabbat services. Below are a few of their writings on the service’s theme, the large effect that small changes can have.  By Mikayla & Sasha At Camp Harlam, Shabbat is an image of a loving community...

It Feels Good to be Home

It Feels Good to be Home

For years I have said that I don’t come back to camp for camp, I come back for the people. Having arrived at camp three days before all of the campers arrived, I realized how wrong I was. It felt good to be home.