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Why I Chose Camp Over Internships

Why I Chose Camp Over Internships

Summers on staff at Harlam have many transferrable skills to college and beyond, including problem solving, adaptability, and supervision.

An Inclusive Community is a Stronger Community

An Inclusive Community is a Stronger Community

Written by Amy Kales, Camp Parent Seven years ago, I was anxiously preparing to send my eight-year-old son, Noah, off to Camp Harlam for his first sleep-away camp experience. Having not been raised Jewish (I currently identify as Jewish by Marriage), in an area where...

I Take Camp With Me Wherever I Go

I Take Camp With Me Wherever I Go

I Take Camp With Me Wherever I Go - By Danny New It’s been 11 years since I set foot in Camp, and yet I still dream about it once a week. Isn’t that weird? Well, to be honest: It’s probably only weird to people who didn’t go there. I wish I could have visited - I’ve...

MESH Moment of the Month: April

MESH Moment of the Month: April

The research on thriving reminds us that Judaism is not simply a common denominator, but at camps like Harlam, Judaism is a source of communal thriving.

The Gift of Jewish Summer Camp

The Gift of Jewish Summer Camp

Losing the summer of 2020 was terribly painful but the gift of camp is beyond time and space and value and price.

How a Virtual Auction Came to Be

How a Virtual Auction Came to Be

It took a village to put together our virtual auction, which raised over $43,000 for the Mitch Perlmeter Scholarship Fund.

MESH Moment of the Month: March

MESH Moment of the Month: March

Check out our MESH Moment of the Month for ideas about how we can tend to our own mental, emotional and social health, as well as that of others.

Creating a More Inclusive Community

Creating a More Inclusive Community

We must not be immune from making change when change is due. We must look inward and forward and challenge ourselves and each other to create a more inclusive and just community that truly values all people and celebrates the diversity that they bring to the table.

Moments of MESH: Random Acts of Kindness

Moments of MESH: Random Acts of Kindness

Our commitment to MESH extends beyond the summer, which led us to form a MESH Task Force made up of parents, alumni, and others in our camp community with personal/professional experience in the field of mental health, to enhance and expand our MESH efforts.