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The Fundamentals: Thoughts on Camp and America

The Fundamentals: Thoughts on Camp and America

When I look around at this country, I fill with this growly feeling that this — this, right here, where we are right now, whatever happens next — this is what our time together at camp was actually about.

Harlam at Home Recap

Harlam at Home Recap

Check out this infographic highlighting 11 weeks of amazing Harlam at Home virtual programming!

A Message for the Harlam Community

A Message for the Harlam Community

Just as at camp we work to become the best version of ourselves, so must we help make our world better in this time of great pain, fear, and anguish.

Your Donation to Harlam Matters Now More than Ever

Your Donation to Harlam Matters Now More than Ever

Donating to the Harlam Sustainability Fund today is an investment in each and every person whose life will be changed when they come through the gates in Kunkletown and experience the magic of a summer at Harlam.

You’re Spending Your Summer at Camp…Again?

You’re Spending Your Summer at Camp…Again?

I did some rough math and calculated that between the six of them, they’ve worked with somewhere around 2,000 campers combined and supervised nearly 300 staff members. Sure, there’s some overlap there, but it’s obvious that their impact on camp runs deep and spans multiple generations of campers and staff.