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Swooped Up into the Weirdness

Swooped Up into the Weirdness

By Ellie Tepper Schulman Every time I hear the two prayers we are about to sing, hashkivenu and v’shamru, I still get butterflies and I am transported back to the summer of 2007. It was my first summer at Camp Harlam, and similarly to the majority of you, I had only...

Learning to Live Our Lives

Learning to Live Our Lives

It is a tremendous honor and joy to give something to a camper: a pearl of wisdom, an encouraging word, a little piece of yourself. They will appreciate it more than you know. They will appreciate you more than you will know. To bless is to feel bliss.

How Can Synagogues Be More Like Camp?

How Can Synagogues Be More Like Camp?

What does it mean to bring camp to your synagogue? It means having students who are empowered and use that empowerment to help transform their congregational experience.

An Interview with Our Development CITs

An Interview with Our Development CITs

Over the past two summers, Harlam has welcomed several Development CITs who are exposed to the world of nonprofit fundraising at Harlam. Learn more about their experience in this interview.

Why I Send My Child to Camp

Why I Send My Child to Camp

A parent who was hesitant about sending her child to Harlam at first shares her new perspective after spending a summer at camp herself as a staff nurse.

Harlam Teens Make Their Voices Heard on Gun Violence Prevention

Harlam Teens Make Their Voices Heard on Gun Violence Prevention

Camp has taught us to fight for what we believe in and to act upon the injustices we see in the world. With more than 400 people in attendance at our event for gun violence prevention, we saw the effect that a few teens can have when they want change in the world.

A Story About Inclusion at Harlam

A Story About Inclusion at Harlam

The best thing I could do to demonstrate how our philosophy of inclusion impacts our community is tell you a story. A story about real campers practicing the values of social inclusion inside their bunk.