Israel Night… More than just Pita and Parties
Our goal with Israel education is to present a nuanced view of the modern State of Israel. While it is certainly a goal of ours that our kids love Israel we believe that in order to truly appreciate our Jewish Homeland our campers have to know about it’s challenges and successes.
Weekly Round Ups for Week 2- First Session
4th of July Carnival, K’Far Rafting, Beltzville and so much more! Read below to find how each unit’s week was.
B’rit Kehilah (Commitment to Community)
I know that many of you sent your children to Harlam so that they could play sports, swim, zipline, dance, create art, climb, and sing. But rest assured they are also learning, growing, seeking meaning, taking responsibility, building character, developing their identities, and flourishing.
The Small Miracle Called Camp Harlam
The gratitude that our community has for Arie Gluck and this beautiful place he built is hard to put into words. But there are countless ways we can show our appreciation for the small miracle that Arie built.
When Jewish Children Sing
I know and believe in the value of camp. In my head it is the chance to have fun, feel safe, and live our Judaism. In my heart, it is to hear our campers sing.
Weekly Schedules for Week 2- First Session
It's another great week at Camp Harlam. Read below to see what each unit is up to!
Carmel/Chavurah Day: A Camp Harlam Tradition
Soon, this buddy pairing goes from less of a quick camp relationship to the friendship of a lifetime. These campers go home and miss their bunkmates, their counselors, the activities, and amongst all of that, they remember their buddy.
Weekly Round Up- Week 1 First Session
Check out what each unit was up to this week!
Camp Harlam, Welcomes Home a New Torah
Dedicating a Torah is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Standing on the bimah, watching the sun peer through the leaves, it felt simply magical. To our new Torah – we simply said in the best way we know how… Welcome Home.
Choose to be Kind
When a friend does something that hurts us. When we just don’t feel like listening to our counselors, or participating in an activity. Or when we are just so tired, or so frustrated, or even overwhelmed. In those moments, those opportunities, I am asking you – encouraging you – as Balaam did, to choose kind.