Camp’s Identity is Created by All of You
Identity forms at camp through the people you connect with and the impact you have on them. I’m so proud of the impact you’ve all had. I’ve watched as you’ve supported each other through hard times, and I’ve watched you laugh with each other in the good times.
Nothing Short of Magical
Being a part of this immersive experience creates bonds like none other. As we like to say, Harlam is where “friends become family.” Your children will have made new friends and also may have struggled at times to connect with others. All of these are valuable opportunities for learning, and we hope the positive relationships they created can be sustained beyond their time at camp.
Hineini – Here I Am
While camp is certainly not a desert, like Asha and Moses we are challenged to find purpose and meaning, Binah, in the everyday. And we are challenged to find opportunities to say “Hineni” – Here I am. We are called upon to use our strengths, share our insights, raise awareness, and offer our support and understanding.
The Mitch Perlmeter (CIT) Award goes to Eliana A. and Julia G.
Tonight – we are honoring CITs who have exemplified leadership in their own way, and we are honoring them by presenting two of them with the Mitch Perlmeter Leadership award. Mitch was a beloved member of the Harlam community who passed away unexpectedly in 2011 at the age of 17.
Thank you Julia and Rachel
You were hooked on camp – for summers, you couldn’t wait
From Sharon to the ‘Rah, then Israel and Gesher
Joining the staff was never a question
Living Camp’s Middot
n camp, thinking about the middah Binah will help my bunk, Sharon 1, to complain less and to ask more. You should ask when you don’t understand. You can learn about binah by looking back at your past and seeing where you could have used it, and to try to practice Binah more in the future.
Week 3 Round Up: 1st Session 2021
Read each unit's Round-Up below to see what happened in Week 3 at camp. Carmel: Carmel finally met their buddies! After a day in the Chavurah Village, Carmel now has new buddies for life. If the 4th of July carnival wasn’t enough Carmel participated in their first...
Even More Magical
The magic is in the confidence and independence that our campers gain when they try something new, or when they stay quiet and don’t wake their counselors up early on a late wake up day. The magic is in the determination and grit of our Sharon campers that push through the challenges of a refreshingly cold pool or an ant infestation.
Oh, Home, This is our Home
By Felicia P. Gesher's Final Song (to the tune of "Home" by, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros) Our Home On the hill and in the woods Not dwelling on the would's and could's Like the way that I do at school Well, holy moly, I might cry Stargazing on the 4th of...
The Importance of Promises
When we learned about the Torah portion we thought about not only keeping promises, but not making the ones you can’t keep. Our relationship with God is a commitment made with promises, it is an example for other relationships. Every day at camp we make promises, but we also break them.