Win Everywhere!
By The Athletics Staff The Athletics Department has had a great summer so far. Clinics have been running smoothly and campers have had lots of opportunities to learn new skills and develop their current skills, in a fun and safe way! We have tried some different...
It’s More Than Just Instructional Swim
I will use my interpersonal experiences to further my path in psychology. I will use my camper experiences to exude empathy to all who I meet. And I will use my newly found confidence to support other people in finding their own. Camp Harlam has given me everything it can offer and it is time I give back.
The Bridge From Campers to Counselors
Now, as CITs we feel it is our responsibility to teach our campers what our counselors taught us. We want to show them that camp is more than just the tower and the z pool. It’s slamming on the tables during song session and going crazy for Rak Dan.
Always an Adventure
Every Friday night and Saturday morning, campers mention the tower in their speeches without fail and with good reason. The kids are able to define their summer through the tower and their other adventure experiences.
Week 2 Round-Up: Second Session 2019
Read below to find out the highlights from each units week! Carmel: Carmel had a great week! We went to Beltzville State Park, competed against Pinemere and showcased our talents at the Carmel Talent Show! Each bunk performed at the all camp MTV night and we are...
Week 3 Schedules for Second Session 2019
We are looking forward to another fantastic week! Our units are especially excited for their trips to Dorney, Hershey Park, NYC and D.C. We also have the CIT Variety show on Wednesday night. Clink on each unit below to see their schedule. [gallery link="file"...
These Are Today’s Leaders
I learn each day from our staff. I am amazed by the work that they do caring for your children (and mine!). I am inspired when I see how deeply they care, both about the work they do here and about the work they do as students and as activists and as leaders.
Overcoming Challenges
We don’t need to overcome challenges on our own, we just need to have hope and remember that people can help us find light in the darkness.
Gesher Visits Camp Jaycee
During our tour of the camp, we were surprised by how strikingly similar their camp looked to ours. They have a lake, sports, arts and crafts, and a cluster of boys and girls cabins. They even have a camp play!
Life is A Journey, Not a Destination
But it is this journey that serves as an inspiration for us as we live our lives. Just as the Israelites had to live positively, one day at a time, believing and trusting that they would reach their goal of finding the Land of Milk and Honey, we too must believe that we can push through challenges to be able to reach our goals.