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17 Tallitot: URJ Camps Respond to Tragedy with Honor

17 Tallitot: URJ Camps Respond to Tragedy with Honor

I’ve been reminded of the importance to live in the moment and embrace all that life has to offer. Because, you only get one chance at life and I strongly believe in the need to make the most of the time we have been given.

Becoming a Hero

Becoming a Hero

As a unit head, I was incredibly proud to see my campers advocate for what they believe in and embody the Jewish values of a hero. It was a welcome reminder that each one of my campers, at only 13 years old, has the potential to be a hero.

Crossing the Bridge from Camper to Staff Member

Crossing the Bridge from Camper to Staff Member

She offered me the cow to play with, and as I started to cheer up she told me that I could keep that cow, but I only if I continued to bring it to camp with me. 9 years later, the cow has made its way back to upper Goda, as I embark on my time as a Carmel girls CIT.

My Friends are There for Me

My Friends are There for Me

You can care about others in many ways like helping to pull your bunk mates to the top of the swing. Encouraging your friend to do the zip line even though they are scared of heights. Or helping someone up and making them feel better.

A Time to Dance

A Time to Dance

But at camp, and especially on Shabbat, that energy is celebrated. Through words, song, dance, and prayer, their joy can be cultivated and expressed.

Shabbat Sha-HOME

Shabbat Sha-HOME

Wherever you are, during this Shabbat, we hope that each and every one of you readers  think about your own answers to these questions – and let the answers of those around camp inspire you in your own life.

Musical Opportunities at Camp Harlam

Musical Opportunities at Camp Harlam

In any place you experience it, music can connect people and build a strong community bond. At camp, this is experienced ten-fold.