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Why I Go to Camp

Why I Go to Camp

I go to camp to become reJEWvenated. I have always loved camp, and two weeks spent secluded in the Harlam bubble feeds my soul.

Acharayut: Thinking about others.

Acharayut: Thinking about others.

Arava will only ever been one small part of the time people spend at camp, but the campers never give up on helping others to make this summer the best one yet.

It’s an Amazing Experience

It’s an Amazing Experience

It’s a crazy experience. It’s about things you’d never do anywhere else, it’s people you feel way to comfortable with, it’s things you never thought you’d do.

The Galil Hike Tradition Continues

The Galil Hike Tradition Continues

Our Galil bunks have proved that with the trust of one another and some hard work, they can push through any challenge. The hike may be tough, but in the end the view is pretty great. 

Archarayut: Thinking About Others

Archarayut: Thinking About Others

When we won the golden plunger, we were all so happy and got to enjoy really good chipwhiches!  So, always think about others because something good will come out of it in the end.

Adventure is Everywhere

Adventure is Everywhere

Adventure surfaces when you talk to someone new in your unit, try a new stroke in the pool, or speak at Shabbat services. It is physically manifested, however, in the tower, high ropes, and the 16 unique adventure staff members.

Castle SuperRad and Other Camp Stories

These silly stories and games are exactly what camp is all about: pushing far past convention, indulging and exploring our inner weirdness, and lifting up humor, storytelling, and originality.