Once Upon a Time…
Looking up to the clouds, soaking it up with awe.
They had learned so much here, in just a few days,
All of the Middot that Camp Harlam displays.
Week 1 Schedules: 2nd Session 2019
What a beautiful Opening Day! Click below to see what each unit is doing this week!
Bringing Harlam Home With You
Harlam is a safe place for exploration, a place that offers lots of opportunities, where success is celebrated and failure can also be celebrated as a chance to learn. It is a family, and I thank your family for joining ours.
Keep Coming Back
Come back to the place that made you who you are, the place where you met your best friends, the place that continues to feel like home….. and keep giving everything you can to future generations of campers.
Dear Chavurah- A Farewell from Their Unit Head
You’ll never find the best things on a camp schedule, including things like our late night talks, midnight stargazing, whispered secrets of first kisses, being your cool mom, pulling scum out of the lake and putting it in the garden compost, or Swim Shady.
Camp Will Never Leave Me
There aren’t that many places in the world that you can leave for a year and completely remove yourself from but still return and feel like you didn’t miss a beat. Camp Harlam is one of those places, through and through.
Oseh Shalom- Praying for Peace
By David Wall "Oseh shalom bimromav. Hu ya'aseh shalom aleinu. V'al kol Yisrael V'imru" (They who make peace in their high places, may they bring peace upon us, and upon all Israel.) How many times have you said these words and truly understood what you’re staying and...
One Last Time: Chavurah’s Service Readings
Talking about the end only makes it feel more real. Our summers can’t be defined by cold showers and splitting the last cookie. But rather, by the endless laughs and countless memories with our best friends.
Where Do You Find Inner Beauty At Camp?
At camp we are all unique in different ways. At camp we show a lot of inner beauty even if we don’t realize it.
My First Four Summers, Thank You Mom!
On opening day, I was not with my parents because my mom was running the camp office. She spent my first 4 summers at camp managing the office so that my sister and I could go to camp. My mom is a small lady with a heavy New York accent.