What Are You Grateful For?
Our challenge for all of us is to thank someone you don’t know who has done something nice for you. Because sometimes we are more appreciative for the kind acts of our friends rather than the kind acts of strangers. Always remember to be grateful for the things you have.
Week 3 Round-Up: Second Session 2018
Read below for a re-cap for Week 3 from each unit!
Wanda: A Lesson in Kindness and Compassion
Yesterday for bunk free choice, our bunk (Arava Girls 2) wanted to do baking with Jon & Ellie at their house. When we got there, we were told that their oven wasn’t working. Although the news was disappointing, we ended up just hanging out and talking with them.
The Unperiods
Braiding the girl’s hair or doing their nails allows me to make personal connections with each girl and gives each girl uninterrupted time to talk to me about anything they need. Doing a MadLib each night allows us to have a good laugh before bed, making us go to bed a in good mood.
Nisayon (Experimentation)
This year, we introduced something new to the process—a one-hour program called nisayon (experimentation). This enabled faculty to work with their campers on a deeper level to better appreciate the act of prayer. Nisayon is not necessarily part of preparing to lead Shabbat t’filah, but in my case it was.
Galil Camp Traditions
The traditions of camp such as dining hall games where campers enjoy cleaning up, or losing our voices at song sessions and singing out hearts out. All these traditions at camp bring everyone closer together, which allows us to find additional joy of just being with one another.
K’Far Noar Take on the Big Apple
The New York City trip gave K’far a chance to grow as individuals and a unit, there first time out of camp on a trip alongside the opportunity to visit new places meant that as a whole the unit became much stronger going into the second half of the session
Everyday is a New Day!
My favorite part about being a specialty counselor is making connections with campers outside of my bunk. Everyday, as I walk around camp, I always see a familiar face. We give high fives, ask about each other’s days, and bond over our shared love for soccer.
Chocolate Milk in the Water Fountains
I see leadership in the way that campers put others needs first. I see leadership in the way that campers bring energy and enthusiasm into athletic competitions. I see leadership when campers cannot stop offering new that support our effort to make Harlam an open and safe community.
The Giving Tree- A Lesson in Gratitude
In our busy lives outside of the camp “bubble” we don’t always find the time to stop and share our gratitude. And, that’s what makes this place all the more special. It’s the intention to be present, to act with our hearts, and to show gratitude – each and every day.