What’s New in Teva for 2018
The Teva department provides fun and safe experiences in these forests for all those who attend camp. During standard program days, we lead hikes of all ages of campers into the woods surrounding camp.
No Carvel Cake for Me!
I hope your Harlam stories are filled with pages of stories of your interactions with staff from all over the world that you have met and will continue to meet as a Harlam camper.
A Place I Can Call Home
I already knew by day three I wanted to come back and do this all again next year. Making many friends within the first week, including some best friends that will definitely last a life-time.
K’Far Noar’s Annual Trip to Baltimore
K’Far Noar this week travelled to Baltimore on their annual trip. The time away allowed the campers to reflect on their connection to Judaism alongside finding joy in all Baltimore had to offer.
Week 3 Schedules: First Session 2018
It's hard to believe it's already week 3! Read below to see what each unit will do this week. Chavurah is still in Boston. Their schduel will be posted soon.
Gratitude: What Does it Mean to You?
Never forget to show gratitude because to only does it help you, but it also positively affects those around you. We encourage you to be consciously grateful for one thing today that you wouldn’t normally think about.
Bringing Back the Cup
By Orli Forster and Lindsay Gilbert As a camper, the Pinemere Games were one of the main highlights of the summer. We loved playing competitive sports games. Leaving camp was so thrilling, even if it was just for a few hours. Most of all, we happily and proudly...
What Does Advocacy Mean to You?
Without speaking to others about how you feel or what you need, you won’t be able to achieve anything. So, for the rest of the session and in the real world, stand up for yourself and achieve your goals.
Do What you Love and Love What You Do
Everyday I laugh harder than I thought possible, learn more than I ever have from a teacher, and feel my heart swell with pride for my Kineret campers countless times.
The Pool is Not Cold, It’s Refreshing
Maybe we’re teaching instructional swim instead of participating and maybe we’re on a lifeguard stand in the heat of free swim instead of in the water, but we now have the joy of witnessing the campers enjoy things like playing categories or seeing who can make the biggest splash