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Change the Way you Push Through a Challenge

Change the Way you Push Through a Challenge

We hope our Kineret campers are proud of all the challenges that they have pushed through and look forward to the challenges to come. In Arava there will be the Teva campout, in Galil the hike, and before you know it, you will be a unit head pushing through the challenge of writing your Friday night speech. Kineret, we hope you keep coming back to camp and push through new challenges each summer. 

The Little Moments

The Little Moments

I’m often asked, “what makes Harlam special?” It’s a little hard to put into words. It’s the people that make up our community, the feeling of belonging, and the sense that you’re home

Perseverance and Strength

Perseverance and Strength

Whether it was being in the same space or months on end, or dealing with the physical effects of Covid 19, we all faced challenges this year. We had to adapt to the different world we live in now. After this year of hardships, when we are all still healing, camp is a place where we are given the opportunity to heal, surrounded by the people we love. The process of healing is never easy, but we encourage you to take advantage of all that camp has to offer to heal yourself and others.

17.95 Seconds

17.95 Seconds

So when you’re trying to overcome any obstacle you’re facing, I suggest you prepare the same way any camper does before they climb the tower—check and make sure there’s someone there to support you, and then make sure you’re ready to go

Journey to the Promised Land

Journey to the Promised Land

By Lori Zlotoff In this week’s Torah Portion, Eikev, we are told that the Israelites will soon enter a land filled with the seven species, or the sacred fruits and grains found in the land of Israel, as well as a land rich in minerals and clean water sources.  You...

Nitzachon: Pushing Through a Challenge

Nitzachon: Pushing Through a Challenge

We knew that coming to camp would help us overcome our challenges because we get to see our friends and our friends help us feel better and that helps us overcome our challenges.

The Resolve of All of You

The Resolve of All of You

Your resilience and determination has filled us with pride and fulfillment. For some, this summer was a shot in the dark while for others you knew this was exactly what you needed. No matter your stance, as I said, we are all so very proud of you. 

Erin’s Happy Place

Erin’s Happy Place

We miss Erin, her smile, her jokes and her spirit. But we are grateful that Erin’s Happy Place exists to carry on her legacy.

In a Way That No Other Place Can

In a Way That No Other Place Can

Camp is such an amazing place because of the people surrounding us. This family is so special because the campers, counselors, and staff create a joyful and comforting environment. This is only possible because not only does God love us, but God allows us to love other people. This causes everlasting friendships and strong bonds.

From Hollywood to Omanut: ACT 2

Maybe this isn’t Act II. Maybe this is a 2nd performance of act I! I LIKE THIS!  This means that I, as the Arts Supervisor, get to make every camper feel as if it’s their first day of camp and that is more exciting than tying up all the loose ends and seeing what happens at the end of the 3 hour musical.